Sunday, January 31, 2010

Change or Die, Books vs. E-Books

In 2006, John Updike spoke at the Book Expo event in Washington, DC warning booksellers they were going to be threatened by a "liquid book" and stating "books are intrinsic to our human identity." Welcome Kindle, Sony Reader, and iPad.

Newspapers and music companies have already transitioned from print and CDs to online media. And now publishers are being forced to "change or die" according to The Digital Emperor Has No Clothes.

But, are we ready to give up books? Our generation is stuck between the age without Web 2.0 and the age where Web 2.0 controls people's lives. Although the idea of having instant access to thousands of books, newspapers, and music all in the same place is appealing; I still like being able to hold a book and flip the pages.

Any one else out there going to miss good old paperback books?


  1. I'm all for physical books. Tried an e-book in place of one of my textbooks last semester and it was much harder to concentrate and absorb the material.

  2. The reason everything is going digital is because of piracy, and the reason piracy is so common now is because of the internet. The internet has now made it able for experienced pirates to distribute their product to an unlimited amount of customers.

  3. I think our generation won't adopt the e-books as quickly or as much as kids who are in elementary school today. Because we find comfort in the physical books because they are the norm, but e-books could eventually become the norm for many environmental reasons.

  4. I don't know about you guys, and maybe it's just because I spend way to much time on the computer, but sometimes I find it easier to read long pieces of text on a screen than in paper form. I have no real explanation for it, but it works for me. I am very interesting in the iPad and all that I can do to help shape the changing journalism and media worlds. It all seems exciting to me. But, I agree that there is a lot of non-digital information that will take a long time to be digitize, and I still very much value books and their importance in the world.
